cult of personality

美 [kʌlt əv ˌpɜːrsəˈnæləti]英 [kʌlt ɒv ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti]
  • 个人崇拜
cult of personalitycult of personality


intense devotion to a particular person


  1. It 's not about a cult of personality , Ms. Clark said .


  2. On the contrary : people in the car business worry about a cult of personality developing around the current generation of company leaders .


  3. Commemorative activities in honour of some other leaders also sometimes smacked of the cult of personality .


  4. He wants to avoid creating another " cult of personality " the euphemism for glorification of an all powerful leader .


  5. Indeed , a cult of personality had sprung up around him during his tenure at the NYSE .


  6. From a consumer point of view , it is fair to expect an apology because the company and Steve Jobs have fostered a cult of personality around him .


  7. Unfortunately , this statement , while it may have cleared up the medical uncertainty , did nothing to puncture the cult of personality that surrounds the apple boss .


  8. Her book , The Cult of Personality Testing , claims such tests are leading people to miseducate their children , mismanage their companies and misunderstand themselves .


  9. This approach has its fast and efficient in the short term benefits , but from a long-term point of view , its drawback is the result of legal nihilism or the production of the cult of personality .


  10. It was " becoming more of a cult of personality , and each personality had its own brand , " one told Stephen Hirschfield , a lawyer that the firm hired in 2011 to investigate Ms Pao 's allegations .


  11. For Lau , " This is a new form of advertising and it is one that works because the images feel personal - those girls have built up a cult of personality . Though people may become numb to that - in the way we 're numb to traditional advertising today . "
